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  • Writer's pictureMargaret ((Peggy) Scott

Ministering Through Music

Updated: Dec 29, 2022

In 2001 my family and I moved to Scotland as missionaries, serving the churches there. After living and ministering for two years, I began to write as God began to download songs to me.

"Writing music was new for me, but songs started coming to me all the time even when I was driving in my car. I bought a tape deck, quickly followed by a dictaphone so I could remember the ideas that came. As the next few months went by, I realized I had over 50 songs! I began saying, "What's going on God? This is great, but what are they for?" I knew they were not just for me, so I began to pray and felt that God was telling me to put an album together. I then had the usual argument with God that most of us have, which is "Who me? After all I'm a mother of six, I home school my children, I'm a missionary in ministry. Why me?"

I then found myself making the typical excuses, "What if...I'm too old, not good enough; my life is just too busy." The voice of accusation was shouting at me, "Who do you think you are!"

Well.... as you can see, I have come through all of this. Thank goodness! I chose to ignore all the negative thoughts and emotions.

I have learned more about the strength of God, which has proven to be enough to complete all that He asks me to do.

My album - "Songs of Healing - The Crystal Album" is soon going to be released on Spotify and Apple Music. It's a reminder of the faithfulness of God in my life, for He has been steady against the winds and the tides.

I was inspired by Revelation 22:1-3 during my process of writing this album.

The river of life flowing from beneath the throne of God, which is crystal clear...and the leaves on the trees are for the healing for the nations.

-Margaret (Peggy) Scott

You can listen to "Songs of Healing - The Crystal Album" Now on Spotify - Youtube

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